188bet亚洲真人体育下载’s 审计ing Standards Board Provides Comments to IAASB on Enhancing 审计 Quality


American Institute of CPAs’ (188bet亚洲真人体育下载) 审计ing Standards Board (ASB) has submitted a 评论信 in response to the International 审计ing and Assurance Standards Board’s (IAASB) Invitation to Comment – Enhancing 审计 Quality in the Public Interest—A Focus on Professional Skepticism, Quality Control and Group 审计s (ITC). 

Issued in January 2016, the ITC sought feedback about the three key areas of professional skepticism, quality control and group audits in order to obtain stakeholder views about ways to improve audit quality.  的 feedback will be instrumental to the IAASB in shaping its standard-setting activity in the near term.

的 ASB’s May 16, 2016 评论信 was very supportive of the IAASB’s initiative to explore revisions to the standards or issue more guidance to auditors in these areas.  的 ASB’s 评论信 also provided detailed comments and observations about the specific questions to which the IAASB was seeking input.