Call for CPAs to Serve as 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Key Persons


辛西娅·隆德 v1 sm
辛西娅·隆德, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Vice President - State Society Affairs

的re will be 54 new faces in Congress in January 2017 (four races are still undecided), and each one of them needs to hear from CPAs in their home district about important issues facing the accounting profession.  这你.S. Senators and Representatives will you assist as they legislate?

Input from the CPAs they represent is the most effective way for legislators to understand the issues facing the accounting profession.  By creating and maintaining a relationship with elected officials, you can be the voice of the CPA profession at the grassroots level, 和你在一起.S. Senators, Representatives and state legislators. 

的 American Institute of CPAs (188bet亚洲真人体育下载) established the Federal Key Person Program to maintain regular and continuing personal contact with each member of Congress.  

的 program accomplishes this through the development and maintenance of a cadre of knowledgeable members across the country with the ability to influence members of Congress, 在最短的时间内, when action is needed on a legislative issue affecting the profession.

“Members of Congress and their staff always want insights from CPAs who live and work in their district.  通常, they ask to talk with someone who’s affected by the legislation or regulation that the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Congressional and Political Affairs Team is discussing, to get the real-world implications,” 辛西娅·隆德, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 vice president of state society affairs.  “Having a CPA who already has a relationship with the member of Congress is important for the elected official, 对于专业人士来说.”

Being a key person is an easy way to give back to the profession – and to help shape the profession for years to come. To serve as an 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 key person for any member of Congress that you know, or are willing to contact on behalf of the profession, please send an email to Vicki Simmons (