188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Groups Comment on GASB Proposal Addressing 养老问题


American Institute of CPAs’ (188bet亚洲真人体育下载) State and Local 政府 Expert Panel (SLGEP) and Private Companies Practice Section (PCPS) Technical Issues Committee (TIC) recently submitted comment 信s to the 政府al 会计 Standards Board (GASB) on its Exposure Draft (ED), 养老问题.

的 养老问题 ED addressed three areas within the current pension guidance that the Board intends to clarify. 的 SLGEP strongly agreed with the changes proposed in the ED in its February 2, 2016 and commended the Board’s responsiveness to stakeholder concerns in the areas addressed in the ED.  Similarly, in its February 12, 2016 , TIC fully supported the changes proposed in the ED. 

的 SLGEP also encouraged the Board to consider two pension practice issues in a future project: reconsideration of the discount rate and accounting for frozen plans.