Mobile Workforce Coalition Gears Up for Legislative Push


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American Institute of CPAs (188bet亚洲真人体育下载) is a charter member of the Mobile Workforce Coalition, a 280-member group seeking to protect America's traveling workforce by simplifying nonresident state income tax rules.  的 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 also co-chairs the Coalition’s advocacy arm.

States currently have inconsistent, varying st和ards 和 requirements for employees to file personal income tax returns when traveling to a nonresident state for temporary work periods, 和 for employers to withhold income tax on employees who travel outside of their state of residence for temporary work periods.

的 Mobile Workforce Coalition’s goal is passage of the Mobile Workforce State Income 税 Simplification Act (H.R. 2315S. 386).  的 legislation provides for a uniform, 公平, 和 easily administered law 和 helps to ensure that the correct amount of tax is withheld 和 paid to the states without the undue burden that the current system places on employees 和 employers.  It provides a uniform 30-day threshold before the liability attaches 和 withholding is required.  目前, a bipartisan group of 145 cosponsors in the House (134) 和 Senate (11) support the Coalition’s solution.

188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Director of Congressional & Political Af公平s Brady King explained that the Coalition is actively strategizing with House 和 Senate staff on ways to advance the legislation.  “State CPA societies – 21 of which are Coalition members – helped bump up the number of legislative cosponsors to a historic high,他说.  “We remain optimistic that the measure, which has already been approved by the House Judiciary Committee, will go to the House floor 和 then on to the Senate in the near future.”

点击这里 to view King’s short video about mobile workforce legislation.