


Forty-four states and the District of Columbia are now in legislative session. The 188bet亚洲真人体育下载’s State Regulation and Legislation team is tracking more than 175 bills that could affect the CPA profession. There are already several legislative trends, 包括监管改革, 人力资源政策, new cybersecurity and technology regulations and the legalization of marijuana.


在事件之后 North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. 联邦贸易委员会 Supreme Court case, states are introducing bills to reform their regulatory system. The bills aim to reduce occupational licensing requirements, including eliminating?? annual reviews of regulations and requiring active supervision of boards. Many of these bills, intentionally or not, negatively affect the CPA profession. 这一趋势将持续到2019年, with 12 states introducing bills that would reduce licensing requirements in some way. More states are expected to introduce similar bills as their legislative sessions continue.


Due to a perceived lack of federal action, states are increasingly looking at policies that affect employers and their employees. 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 under consideration include family and medical leave, the consideration of applicants’ criminal histories and salary history during the hiring process, anti-arbitration规定, 同工同酬. Sixty human resources bills from 22 states and the District of Columbia are under consideration this year, 预计还会有更多人效仿. 例如, California Governor Gavin 新闻ome (D) announced a proposal to expand the state’s six-week family paid leave program to six months.


随着技术的发展, state 政府s are examining new approaches for regulating technology innovations. Many businesses, including CPA firms, collect and maintain financial and personal client information. Proposals to protect this personal data and deal with potential data breaches are under consideration. The increased use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, 比如比特币和以太坊, have resulted in the introduction of bills implementing blockchain use in state 政府 and allowing taxpayers to pay taxes with cryptocurrencies. To date, lawmakers in 12 states introduced cybersecurity and technology related bills.


Eight states currently regulate and tax marijuana for personal and medicinal use. Vermont and the District of Columbia allow adults to use marijuana, but do not allow for its sale. Additionally, 21 states have laws allowing medical marijuana. 通过大麻法的趋势, 包括医疗和娱乐, continues this year with five states considering proposals to legalize medical marijuana. Two additional state legislatures are considering bills to legalize recreational marijuana use. CPAs in states with legal marijuana are looking to their state boards of accountancy for guidance on providing CPA services to marijuana clients. So far, 13 state boards have issued such guidance.